afghans, blankets, blocking, cal, crochet, crochet a long, diy, fiber art, graphghans, harry potter, patterns, tutorials

Clever Witch – Harry Potter CAL

Hermione Granger by Crafty Ridge
Hermione Granger by Crafty Ridge

Fierce and smart, that’s Hermione! She is hands down the smartest little witch in training at Hogwarts and she grows into one of those characters you don’t just love, but one that you wish you could be. I mean what Potterhead doesn’t want to be her at some point?

Hermione Square by Crafty Ridge

When making my Hermione square I used Red Heart Super Saver Yarns in Coffee for the hair, Buff for her skin, Gold and Garnet for her tie, White for her shirt, Charcoal Grey for her robe and Black for her eyes. I made my square in half double crochet corner 2 corner with an H hook. You can grab your Free Pattern here. Hermione by Crafty Ridge

This square is super simple. There are less color changes then some of the previous squares so this one should work up a lot faster. But don’t be fooled, there are more intricate characters coming soon!

If you have never done c2c there are a ton of tutorials out there on YouTube. You can see all of my short videos on how to do the c2c graphs on YouTube or here on the blog.  In these quick little videos I show you how to start the c2c, how to do your increases, change colors and decrease your squares.  On of my other favorites for the basics is by Mikey over at The Crochet Crowd, He does a much more in depth tutorial on c2c if you need a bit more help.

To see the first three squares of the Crafty Ridge Harry Potter CAL and more details on the how to get involved, just click here! This is the 4th  square in this CAL, see previous posts for other patterns and tips.

To join in on the fun come over and join us on Facebook for the Crafty Ridge Harry Potter CAL I can’t wait to see everyone’s finished afghans!

Also feel free to share your squares on Facebook and don’t forget to tag @CraftyRidge on Instagram and Twitter when you share your photos!

Thank you for checking out my Harry Potter CAL. Stay tuned for more fun fiber art and don’t forget to follow Crafty Ridge on Facebook.

Happy Hooking,


6 thoughts on “Clever Witch – Harry Potter CAL”

  1. I am cracking up. I decided to make this for a friend as a surprise. I’ve already finished Ron and Harry and realized I was doing the normal double crochet instead of your version doing the half-double. I could’ve smacked myself! I guess she’s going to get one HUGE blanket! 😀


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